Become a Member

Service Above Self

Yakima Southwest Rotary strives to create a balance of community support, professional networking, and creating a fun environment to do both of those. We are actively looking for ways to bring our Rotarians together in formal and informal locations through our weekly meetings, near-monthly socials, and numerous volunteer opportunities every year.

When you join Rotary, you join a force of over 1.2 million people who are actively making a difference in our world.

The core objectives of our Rotary club are:

  1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
  2. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
  3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.
  4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

If these resonate with you, Yakima Southwest Rotary might be the perfect fit!

Become a Member

If you’re interested in becoming a member, please follow these four steps. Do you have questions? You can email our team and we’ll get back to you!

  1. Connect with an active Southwest Rotarian – don’t know an active SW Rotarian? No problem! Contact us and we’ll connect you to our Membership Chair. 
  2. Attend a Southwest Rotary meeting
  3. Apply to join the Club – our board will review your application within thirty days. If accepted, the Secretary or Membership Chair will notify you and your sponsor. There will be a waiting period where your application will be announced at two meetings (this typically takes two weeks). 
  4. Introduce yourself with your active Southwest Rotarian Sponsor at the next club meeting 

Financial Commitment

  • Entrance Fee – $120
  • Four Quarterly Payments of $235 (includes club dues, meals, and Paul Harris Sustaining membership)
  • Annual Fund-raising Southwest Rotary Auction (approx.) $200-250
  • Weekly Sergeant at Arms – $2-$10
  • Social Events- approx. $50+



Our goal is for all Yakima Southwest Rotarians to attend at least half of all meetings or events. However, we recognize that all Rotarians are dedicated family, business, and community members with other obligations. There are opportunities to make up missed meetings by attending volunteer events, a Sunrise or Downtown Yakima Rotary meeting, or other Rotary meetings within our District or worldwide.

We do require every Yakima Southwest Rotarian to support our Annual Fundraiser. This fundraiser is typically in the spring. If you cannot attend the event, we require members to support the club in other ways including (sponsorships, silent or live auction donations, the purchase of tickets for attendees outside of our club, and more). This fundraiser raises the funds that allow us to make a difference in our community.

Learn more about Rotary International’s Purpose of Attendance.